FREDInk Archives
This is the most comprehensive links to the Reinhard Palovcik FREDInk Archives. This page is always under construction, but the links currently here will take you to hundreds of videos, music albums and songs, poetry and writings, and photographs of Gainesville's arts scene from the mid-80s to the current day. Enjoy.
Reinhard Palovcik FREDInk Archives
In Honor and Memory of Dr. Reinhard Palovic - Gainesville's Scientific Poet
The Links
Ring The Bell Gently Sweet Frog - a Tom Miller Action Film
Cold - a Tom Miller Film
The Miller & Pearl Show
Burning Lips
Citizen Grapski
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 1
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 2
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 3
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 4
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 5
The Tom Miller Show - Live on Television at the Shamrock Pub - [Director's Cut] Pt. 6
Womp Gootis
Return of Gootis
Bride of Gootis
Bride of Gootis (Commentary)
The Great American Movie PLAYLIST (All Films)
The Great American Movie II - Sequel to the Prequel
The Great American Movie, Whatever...Three, Four, Five, I Forget
The Great American Movie Five - in 3DDDs
The Great American Movie VII - The Ostrich Incident
The Miller & Traub School of Rinky-Dink Film Making
Shit Puppets - The Movie
Millervision III - Punks vs. Hippies
Millervision - Episode I
The Follower - (Jeff Jurgens, Director)
The Birdometer (featuring Tom Miller & Reverend Angeldust) by Brad McClenny
Under The Bed - Web Series by Tom Miller
Bunnay Live at Club Red - March 24, 2006
Tom Miller - Neopets
Tabernacle TV 1 - Center of the Universe
Have You Ever Been At Sea? - Scenes from the Cave Wall - Shamrock McShane, Tom Miller
Scenes from the Cave Wall - Shamrock McShane, Tom Miller
Scenes from the Cave Wall - Studio - Shamrock McShane, Tom Miller
Aunt Bertha's Origami Lessons
Bunnay Backstage - Common Grounds Miller & Chayce Reunion Show
Bunnay - The Movie (Arrival by Limo)
Useless P Zeffirelli - Artificial Intelligence, The Flag, Philosophy
Dennison vs. McKinley
"Love Springs" by Chuck Martin - a Tom Miller VideoFilm
Failure - a Tom Miller FREDInk VideoFilm
Writer's Block - a TeaName Video
The Ross Perot Chronicles
The Reverend Angeldust - Sermon at the AcrossTown
Dolphin Wizard 2013 - State of the Year - Full Speech
Useless P. Zefferrelli - "How We's Got Here"
Tabernacle of Hedonism Marches on the Independent Florida Alligator
Reverend Angeldust Tabernacle of Hedonsim - Original Press Converence
The 5-Minute Artist Presents Jared Whitham
Meatball - a VideoFilm by Miller & Spagandy
Wally Falls in Love - a Puppet Show by Miller & Frog
Retrospective of VideoFilms from the Miller & Frog Show at The Shamrock
Outdoor Billy Bob Johnson - The Coffee Show
Original Outdoor Billy Bob Johnson Show
The Magic Marker Art of Tom Miller
The Carrot - Miller & Spagandy
Frog & Tom Miller Go to the Mall
Glass of Water
The Bathroom Note
All My Fans
Plant Food
UF Tiny Band
Know Your No-Necks
Alien Dream - a Tom Miller Movie
What I Saw at the Shamrock
The Best Hand I Ever Had - Miller & Traub
Good Morning - Miller & Frog
The 5-Minute Artist Presents / Lennie Kesl with Dave Bell
Frog and the Little Old Naked Man
Episode II - Rescue in Space of the Beer Medowians
Tom Miller and his Cell Phone (Rant)
The Shamrock Pubbets (2006)
Tom Miller - Billy & Sally Act I
Tom Miller - Billy & Sally Act II
Tom Miller - RARE - "Languishing in the Fleas" (2009)
Vini and the Demons - RARE - Beautiful Poison (2001)
SUMAC - Mother Tongue (1991)
Bill Perry - Enigmas for LIfe
Tom Miller - Stories for your Mama LIVE at the Hardback Cafe
NDolphin - WAIL
Ron & Tom Musical Collaborations
Vini and the Demons LIVE on Maxwell Street - 10/10/2004
Tom Miller Music Videos - 4 Albums & 15 Songs
Plastic Age - Studio Recordings 1985-87
Penguin - Apartment Bog - 1992
SUMAC - The Healing Voice - Region 1
Tom Miller - Dead-n-Funny
Penguin - "Little Amusement" - 1988
Penguin - "Cry" - 1988
Tom Miller w/ Robert Peterson - "In The Streets"
SUMAC - "Gabriella"
"The Edge" by The Space Masons
Plastic Age - Live at the Hogsbreath Saloon - "Icarus"
Robert Johnson - "Pool of Wax" - 1988
Jack Mason - "Out of the Hole"
Vini and the Demons Live at Hardrock Cafe - Chicago 2002
Vini and the Demons Live at the Sidebar - July 14, 2001
Cracked Actor - Live at University Club - "Sunbeam"
Cracked Actor - Live at University Club - "Rain Swept Sidewalks"
"I'm Rich" - Michael Bobbitt
Vini and the Demons - "Don't You Mess With My Blues"
Vini and the Demons - "Hooked"
Vini and the Demons - "Stepping Out"
Vini and the Demons LIVE at Eddie C's - 2005 Final Tour - RARE
Penguin - Signal Send
Penguin - Only Today
Bill Perry Orchestra - Concert for the Independent Florida Alligator
Bill Perry Orchestra - COMMERCIAL for the Concert for the Independent Florida Alligator
Bill Perry Orchestra - Live at The Laboratory - May 12, 2012
Bill Perry Orchestra - In-Depth Interviews of the Band
Bill Perry Orchestra - Out In The Country
Bill Perry Orchestra - How to Play the Harp
Bill Perry Orchestra - Special Guest: Armenian Wrestler Gregg Jones
Bill Perry Live - `1982 Bar - Jan. 14, 2014
Bill Perry Orchestra - Yoko Ono Shopping for Oranges - the Official Music Video
Bill Perry Orchestra - "What is this thing?" Live at The Jam
The Righteous Kind - Zombies in my Car - The Video
The Righteous Kind - Let's Let Freedom Ring - The Video
SUMAC: As Is - Full Album (1992)
SUMAC: The Healing Voice - Full Album (1993)
Neuvo Cuisino - 4/2015 - AudioMac
Tom Miller AudioArt on BandCamp.Com
Little Green Girl - Full Album
Neuvo Cuisino - Full Album
Fuzzy Logic - Full Album - BandCamp (2001 Release)
Fairyland - The Complete Album - SoundCloud
and the cow jumped over the moon
Tom Miller Plays the iPhone - Collector's Edition (with videos)
Mangina - The Complete Album - SoundCloud
Bibo & Finabla - Full Album - SoundCloud
Penguin - Through The Gate - The Complete Album
Penguin - Water - The Complete Album
Penguin - Government Protest Farm - The Complete Album
Penguin (1980) - a Collection of Songs
Tom Miller - Fuzzy Logic
Tom Miller - The Votive Pit
OGLE TR 56-b - Miller & Frog Live
Tom Miller - i am the king
Tom Miller - Selections
Tom Miller Plays the iPhone
Tom Miller- Urban Tooth Decay
Tom Miller - Urban Root Canal
Tom Miller - The Dribblin' Shits
Tom Miller - Suicide
Tom Miller - Sax (with Donny Undeen)
Tom Miller - Probe
Tom Miller - Poetry, the Album
Tom Miller - Music for Cats
Tom Miller - Selections from the InterWeb
Tom Miller - Meandering Poodles
Tom Miller - Guitar School
Tom Miller - Go Fuck Yourself
Tom Miller - Fish For Dessert
Tom Miller - Fairyland
Tom Miller - Faggotmusik auf Originalinstrumenten
Tom Miller - Emotional Baggage
Tom Miller - Collage
Tom Miller - Casio Lounge
Tom Miller - Casio Lounge II
Tom Miller - America's New War Strikes Back - Music for the Play by Shamrock McShane
Tom Miller - Atmospheres
Tom Miller - Go Fuck Yourself (Special Edition)
Tom Miller - Emotional Baggage (Special Edition)
Tom Miller - Selected Works - (1979)
Tom Miller - god with a potato
Millerworks Poems
Millerworks Poems 1999
Ron Palovcik - Poems - Part 1 - Part 2
Ron Palovcik - All These Many Poems Are My Children
Ron Palovcik - Screams of a Faceless Rat
Ron Palovcik - Drunken Poet Farts Thrice
Ron Palovcik - Waiting for Five and the Bottle
Ron Palovcik - Headless Chicken Sprints then Drops
Ron Palovcik - A Montage of Leaves and Bloody Hearts
Ron Palovcik - Death City - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Ron Palovcik - "The Mad Dog Page" / Alachua Freenet Page
Ron Palovcik - More Poetry by Ron / Alachua Freenet Page
Ron Palovcik - Ron Reads, 'Screams of a Faceless Rat' - [Video]
Ron Palovcik - Poems for Fuck and Death
The Reinhard Palovcik Notebooks - #1
Eulogy of Reinhard Palovcik by Justin Taylor
Ron's Theory of the Afterlife by Shamrock McShane
Tom Miller - Poems and Stories on WordPress
Tom Miller - Are You Acting?
Tom Miller - Poems - 1997
Tom Miller - Selected Poems - 1998
Tom Miller - Selected Poems I
Tom Miller - Gallery
Tom Miller - Monkey Lizard Shadowface
Tom Miller - 10 Gallon Hats O' Blood - a Novelette
Tom Miller - The Adventure Team - a Novelette
Tom Miller - Put It In the Hole
Tom Miller - The Roach life
Tom Miller reads, Bum - Video
Tom Miller - Duck Farts
Tom Miller - I Piss Poetry
Tom Miller - Playing Baseball With my Genitals
Tom Miller - How to Make a Worm Do as You Command
Tom Miller - Love
Tom Miller - Revenge
Tom Miller reads, Moose - Video
Tom Miller reads, Our Lovely Baby - Video w/ The Beat Guys
Tom Miller - Rants-n-Raves
Quit Fussin' With It, It's Done!
Tom Miller - Project r
Tom Miller - Blog is the Ugliest Word